Vum 03.08 bis den 11.08. spillen d’U18 Meedercher hir Europameeschterschaft an der Divisioun A. D’Amicale Steesel ass ganz stolz, dass mam Marie Drui, Isa Hämäläinen a Lara Lepage Post dréi …
Luxemburg’s U16 girls team is compteting in the European Challenger tournament
Our players Virginie Geelen and Lara Lepage Post are competing in the European Challenger tournament in Piešťany. More details here: U16 women will play the European Challenger over the next …
Luxemburg’s U18 men team starts in the European Challenger tournament today
Our players Lenny Jonsson, Dorian Scheltien and former player Pierre Baustert are competing in the European Challenger tournament starting today. More details here: U18 men start European Challenger on Tuesday …